Active Astrology

Although it’s not possible to say with absolute precision on what the validity of a natal chart is based, the possibility of a causal relationship between planetary aspects andpsycho-physiological dispositions is a sensible hypothesis. 

Astrology is about to become a science. 

C.G Jung, C. G. Jung – Synchronicity as an acasual connecting principle (1952).

The aim of Active Astrology, school founded by the Italian astrologer Ciro Discepolo, whose message I am trying to popularize through this website, is to avoid to suffer passively the influence of the planets and the stars, being able to handle the negative periods and to take advantage of the positive periods.

I would advise the user of this website to do this in order to obtain a better life without unpleasant surprises. Thinking that the stars and planets could influence the activities of the human beings could seem strange and antiscientific but I can assure you after having studied hundreds of birth data of celebrities that movements of the planets can have an effect on events of the past.

Active Astrology demonstrates its usefulness in different areas of life:

  • It is useful for a better knowledge of ourselves showing what are our points of strength and weakness.

  • It is useful for the identification of our talents and of the activities we are more suited for.

  • It is useful for the research of our soul mate.

  • It is useful for the research of the personnel.

  • Astrology, while not wanting to replace the medical science, is helpful in establishing the possible pathologies of a human being so that one can put in place different forms of preventative hygiene.

  • Generally speaking, astrology allows to find out what are the most auspicious times to carry out certain activities.



Aimed Solar Return

The Aimed Solar Return is an astrological technique perfected by Ciro Discepolo, who is the biggest world expert in this field of Astrology. This technique allows the individual who practices it to accomplish his/her objectives moving almost every year for his/her birthday in different places of the planet depending on the desired goals.

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Natal Chart

A natal chart is a complex description of all the positions of the planets at the time of birth of the individual. This can be read at different levels (personality, destiny, professional vocation, health). The natal chart must not be confused with the Sun sign horoscopes that is possible to find in some magazine or in T.V. especially at the beginning of the new year.

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Synastry is the branch of astrology that compares the natal chart of different people in order to assess whether there is compatibility between them or not.

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Astrocartography is a branch of astrology that allows the user to understand the interaction between the natal chart of the individual and different places on the planet.

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Electional Astrology

Electional astrology is a branch of astrology that allows to choose the best moment for the start of any activity such as launching a business, getting married, selling or buying a house, buying a car, undergoing a surgical operation and so on.

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Transits are the so called passages of the celestial bodies through the signs of the zodiac. In fact the planets are not static like in the natal chart, but they continuously move at different speed.

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Birth Chart Rectification

Birth chart rectification is a technique that narrows down the time of birth of the client if this is unknown or adjusts it if the time is approximate.

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Horary Astrology

Horary astrology is a very ancient predictive technique. It seems that horary astrology is the most ancient ever predictive technique as it is not required to have the birth time of the consultant.

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